What is Digital Marketing?

 Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies like the internet, social media, mobile phones, and any other digital medium. It is also an umbrella term that encloses different marketing strategies such as social media marketing, search engine optimization, and email marketing. Compared to the traditional marketing methods like billboards, prints, tv, etc., digital marketing is completely data-driven. Many popular digital marketing platforms are available which provide comprehensive data analysis. 

With the combined forces of the internet and technology, digital marketers can collect and analyze data of different customer behavior enabling them to facilitate more personalized content and advertisements towards a clear audience for better engagements and results.  

Why digital marketing?

 Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing boosts the following. 

Trackable and measurable

Technology advancement has made it easy to measure the efficiency of campaigns through digital analytics like Google Analytics, Google data studio, and Adobe analytics. Through the deployment of digital analytics, the data collected over some time are right at your fingerprints. Every user interaction provides a set of data and understands how each data contributes to the sales of your business. 

Efficiency in Optimisation

The emergence of media buying platforms has allowed marketers to purchase ad space across various websites and mobile apps. This allows the marketers to review the ad campaigns' performance and make tweaks on the fly such as optimizing ad creatives to improve audience engagement. 

Broad and targeted reach

With billions of users on social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube,  LinkedIn, etc., your reach is primarily limited by your budget. Many of these social media platforms allow you to target your ads to specific audiences. Retargeting is a form of marketing that enables you to show relevant ads to users who have visited certain pages of your websites. For example, if a user visited an online shop selling groceries and navigated to the product page selling apples, the grocery shop could target the user with ads related to the apples after the user leaves the sites and browse other websites, social platforms, and mobile apps.   

Three pillars of digital marketing

The following are the three pillars of digital marketing. 

User journey

The first pillar of digital marketing is the user journey. The user journey is the customer’s encounter and interaction with your brand across all the channels digital and non-digital which shape his emotions and perceptions with your brand. You can seek help from the digital marketing company in Chennai to know about the user journey. It typically starts with awareness and ends with a purchase. 

  • The customer should be aware of the brand. 

  • The customer needs to evaluate their decision and consider other brands too.

  • The customer should be ready to make a purchase.

  • The customer spreads word of mouth and spreads the brand to his friends. 

Digital Channels 

The second pillar of digital marketing is digital channels. A marketing channel is a medium organization used to communicate or deliver messages to the customers. Digital channels are the avenue where your customer comes to know about your business and what it can offer. This is where your traffic comes from. 

Creatives and content

The third pillar of digital marketing is content and creatives. The content will be in the form of visual graphics, text, videos, etc, and are marketed with your brand which is known as content marketing. The creatives will be in the form of ad banners, video advertisements, and text banners. 

This is the basics of digital marketing. It is good to know about digital marketing before getting into it. 


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