What are the different types of SEO marketing?


Search engine optimization is a process of improving your site for increasing the ranking on Google for key terms related to your business. SEO is one of the most effective digital marketing tactics in which you can invest your time and there are a variety of ways in which you can take advantage of the practice.

Here are the types of SEO from which you can start with.


On-page SEO

On-page SEO is sometimes referred to as on-site SEO, is the process of optimizing the content on your website. This can include your body copy, keywords, meta titles, meta descriptions, and images. 

Research your keyword: Determine the terms and phrases that you want to rank for on your search engines. Do some keyword research on which terms have high relevance and search value, but also consider choosing terms with less competition. 

Optimize Metadata: Metadata tells Google and searchers about the content of the page. Make sure your metadata and meta description includes relevant content and keywords. You can optimize the meta data using the best SEO agency in Chennai. So that you have a better chance of ranking higher. 

Perform internal linking: Internal links are the URL that links other pages to your website. Often you will attach these to the anchored text. 

Off-page SEO 

Off-page SEO is everything that does not happen on your website. Off-page SEO is all about creating exposure and trust for your company which ultimately results in more visitors and sales. Most off-page SEO is focused on link building. You can seek help from the SEO agency in Chennai to know about link building. If you are unaware, link building is a practice of getting other reputed sites to link back to your websites. 

Some quality link building tactics include:

Pitching articles: There are many blogs and online publications that publish the post you pitch to them. Make sure the site is relevant to your work and include a link back to your company.  But also make sure that you accept and exchange money to do so. 

Competitor research: Check out the backlink profile of your largest competitor. Find out where they are acquiring links and which sites are allowing hyperlinks. 

Helping Reporters: There are a variety of online services where journalists require insight from certain industry experts. Offer a quote or information about the area of expertise and they will link mostly back to the site in your article. 

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to the action performed to help search engines crawl your website and enhance the user experience. As search engines and their algorithms become more complex, these requirements change which means that this type of SEO is always evolving. 

Technical SEO efforts to be addressed should include:

Website speed: A faster website speed is always better and recently, Google has included a variety of load time variables to be a ranking factor. Be sure to make your template simple, limit redirects, and optimize your visuals. 

Mobile Friendliness: Many users are moving from desktop to mobile to perform an array of searches for products. Check your site on your mobile device to ensure that it is easy to navigate for any visitors coming via mobile.

Site structure: Use the HTTP hypertext, user-friendly, and consistent URL structure, a clean navigation hierarchy to make your site structure concise. 


Local SEO: 

Local SEO is a variation of SEO that focuses on a specific area rather than a national focus. It's all about increasing your online presence in your community and promoting the products and services to your local customers.

The benefits of local SEO include: 

  • It’s highly targeted. 

  • It is free. 

  • There is a great opportunity to rank locally. 

Knowing about SEO marketing helps you to gain more visitors to your website and improves your business with the best results. 


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