What are Core Web Vitals?

 Core web vitals are a set of specific factors that Google considers important in a web page’s overall user experience. Core Web Vitals are made up of three specific page speed and user interaction measurements: largest contentful paint, first input delay, and cumulative layout shift. In short, Core Web Vitals are a subset of factors that will be a part of Google’s page experience score. 

Why are Core Web Vitals important?

Google plans to make a page experience an official Google ranking factor. Page experience will be a mishmash of factors that Google considers important for user experience, including,

  • HTTP. 

  • Mobile-friendliness.

  • Lack of interstitial pop-ups. 

  • Safe-browsing. 

And core web vitals will be a super important part of the score. Judging by the announcement and the name itself, it’s fair to say that core web vitals will make up the best chunk of your page experience score. It is important to point out that a great page experience score won’t magically push you to a spot in Google. You can seek help from the best SEO agency in Chennai to know about core web vitals. In fact, Google was quick to point out that page experience is one of the several factors that they use to rank sites in search. 

The core web vitals break into three. They are listed below. 

Largest contentful paint (LCP)

The largest contentful paint is how long it takes a page to load from the point of view of an actual user. In other words, it is the time from clicking on a link to seeing the majority of the content on-screen. LCP is different from other page speed measurements. Many other page speed metrics do not necessarily represent what it’s like for a user to open up a webpage. On the other hand, LCP focuses on what matters when it comes to speed, being able to see and interact with your page. 


First Input Delay (FID)

It is the time taken by the user to interact with your page. The SEO agency in Chennai helps you know about the first input delay.  Examples of interaction include: 

  • Choosing an option from the menu.

  • Clicking on a link in the site’s navigation.

  • Entering your email into a field. 

  • Opening up “accordion text” on a mobile device. 

FID technically measures how long it takes something that happens on a page. Hence in that sense, it is a page speed score. But it goes one step beyond that and measures the time it takes for users to actually do something on your page. 

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative layout shift is how stable a page is as it loads. In other words, if elements on your page move around as the page loads then you have got a high CLS, which is bad. Instead, if you want your page element to be stable as it loads up.  That way, users have to re-learn where links, images, and fields are located when the page is fully located. 

Thus core web vitals provide you with specific, measurable data to improve the overall user experience on your website.


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